why you are British

Why do you say sorry when you meant to say excuse me? Why do you bring yourself down all the time? Why is it so easy to feel "patronised"? Why things aren't good, only not-too-bad? Well, you don't know. But maybe you do. That's why you are British, and I am not.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

about noises

I find English people especially curious when it comes to these daily noises. I know human noises transcend cultural issues and are supposed to be inherent to humans. Full stop.

I believed in that until I came to England, where I found those noises (burps, hick-ups and even farts) to be much wilder than what I was used to. Maybe the English are healthily freer than usual. I have to confess, though, that at first I found it offensive to be talking to someone and suddenly be forced to hear a wet burp followed by a guilty-free “excuse me” or, in more extreme cases, “excuse me, gosh!”.

Then I started to get used to it. But never felt comfortable enough to do it myself. I thought of a handful of hypothesis and none of them suits me better than the drinking factor. As you all must agree, English do like drinking. A lot. A hell of a lot. And as you all must agree, drinking, especially beer, makes you burp. I could go on forever on this, but I must say, still, that I’ve seen many people drunk in my life, and none of them are as loud as the English when it comes to burps, hick-ups, farts, but especially burps.

I am not saying we should all hold back what’s in our nature. I am just saying I don’t feel obliged to share these peculiar moments – which embrace noises, smell and utter discomfort and awkwardness.

I am not starting an anti-burping campaign as well – although it is not a bad idea and I would take part if anyone gets it on with – I am just exposing my view of English people and why they are so different from me. Of course I burp, but only very intimate people have heard me burping out loud.

Burps and other noisy human manifestations should be allowed in intimacy. But if I barely know you, how must I ever get to respect you if you blatantly burp on my face? No, not me.

Friday, May 26, 2006

why you are, why I am not

I don’t know if this is gonna last at all, but if it survives the day then it’s already above expectations.

This is not a blog, in the normal sense of blog. This is almost a display notebook where I will write now and then about what makes British people British. I could write in Portuguese of course, but I don’t think that would reach my target.

Yes, probably most of you don’t realise how funny you English are to foreigners like me.

As for me, I am a Brazilian woman and have been living in London for two years now. Still I find myself very puzzled with VBB (Very British Behaviour – this will be all over here, you better get familiar). So I thought to be a good idea to have a space where I can show this to people. Maybe I’ll find out I’m not the crazy one.

See, and this is not supposed to be therapy.